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SIT Testimonies Print E-mail

 I look forward to the week of SIT, the Summer Institute of Theology, at the Bible School.  Sure there are the 50 hours of class and a number of papers to do for the homework, but I look forward to the fellowship, renewing old friendships, seeing everyone at the Bible School, and just spending a week dwelling and searching the scriptures.  It can be a challenging week along with a rejuvenating week. 

This week bolsters my faith and challenges me to look at what we do as Christians and as a church to see if there are areas where we are just “going through the motions” or why we hold the traditions we do and what they mean.  According to our AFLC principles, the congregation is the right form of the Kingdom of God on earth.  It always makes me wonder why God chose us as individuals and us as churches to be His vehicle of the Holy Spirit to be salt and light in the world.  I seem so fallible, weak, and unconvincing.  God is holy, mighty, and the definition of the truth.  When you realize how and why He wants to use us, it is a great responsibility, not just to do the right thing, but to know our God and His Word. 

The Word is law and gospel, and even though the Ten Commandments may seem old-fashioned and outdated, the conviction of the Spirit is strong as you look at the commandments and how God wanted to preserve us for Him.  It is still amazing in our “secular” society how much the commandments are still used and depended on. 

The traditions and heritage of the AFLC is strong and provides me with a sense of identity, that this church body isn’t based on methods of worship and policies of what is right and wrong, but based on the Word alone, which governs every part of our personal life and the life of our church.  It has spurred me to look at some of our neighboring church and the members, to hear their stories of the beginning of a new church body in 1962 and their experiences with it. 

I want to thank Pastor Moan, Pastor Monseth, Pastor Lee, and Col. Eidsmoe for this great week of instruction and self evaluation.  As the old saying goes, the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.  God blessed this week and may he continue to guide us with His Spirit and His word.

Don Edlund
Youth Director
Resurrection Free Lutheran Church
Beltrami, MN


“Building Up the Body of Christ.”  Not only was that declaration the theme of the AFLC’s Summer Institute of Theology, but it should be the theme of every believer in Jesus Christ.  I Thessalonians 5:11 reminds us, “Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (NIV)  The Summer Institute of Theology (SIT) has been a blessing to those who participate in the studies.  The SIT has been developed primarily for lay pastors to receive Biblical instruction and encouragement as well as maintaining their academic credentials.  But the SIT program is not limited to those individuals. 

As an ordained pastor of the AFLC, I have been refreshed in every way at the SIT gatherings.  For a length of time I have attended SIT classes every other year.  I sign up for classes, first, that I did not take while I attended AFLTS (three years of classroom training and one year of internship).  But even when I have taken similar courses at SIT, I have gained new and refreshed insights from the inspired and inerrant Word of God.

As I get older, I have come to appreciate not only the Bible all the more, but also the instructors at SIT who train us in the Word of God.

SIT has also become a place to make new friends and become reacquainted with long-time friends.  Not only the classroom times, but the fellowship moments with like-minded believers is priceless.  SIT is an opportunity for pastors (lay or ordained) and laity to grow together, and to be further equipped to “Build Up the Body of Christ.”  At SIT you will be blessed so that you will be a blessing to others.

Pastor Todd Klemme
Minnewaska Lutheran Church
Starbuck, MN 


“For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” - 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5a

Ten years have passed since attending my first Summer Institute of Theology. Every time I’m asked whether it’s worth the time and effort to attend my answer is always a resounding yes, absolutely it is! I’m convinced that this Christ focused, passion infused, Word driven, Spirit filled week is literally one of the best kept secrets in the AFLC! SIT is designed for pastors, laymen, elders, deacons, Sunday school teachers, and youth workers—basically anyone wanting to dig deep into the Word of God.

Every year I cannot help but feel refreshed by the respect and authority the attendees and faculty hold concerning the Word of God. The Word is not seen as words on a page to be interpreted purely grammatically and historically, but they are viewed as words with a divine power. The grammar and historical background are like a fancy racing car, while the divine power is the engine that provides the thrust for the car. Passage’s such as 1 Thessalonians which speaks of the Word having come “in power and in the Holy Spirit” is really taken literally! The Word is irrefutably clear concerning its ability to transform and fortify believers in their faith (2 Tim 3:16). Every subject we discuss is thoroughly saturated with the Word of God.

The second characteristic making SIT so unique is the diversity of believers that gather from every walk of life. The professors by far rank among the humblest men I have ever met; men who strive to faithfully expound the Word of God to the highest degree of accuracy. In similar manner, I liken those attending to the Bereans who searched the Word daily for truth. Looking around the classroom of some eighty men, I was struck by the reality that they were soldiers equipping and fitting themselves for battle on the front lines. We all left with our two-edged swords sharpened and shields of faith reinforced ready for engagement!

Morning devotions, corporate prayer, teaching, and the open and honest discussion of all those present was inspiring. The fullness of “conviction” that only comes from the Holy Spirit resonated throughout the week. Each person left energized, encouraged, and challenged in their walk with God. Summer Institute of Theology has been one of the most formative annual experiences of my life and ministry. Next August I pray that there will be a record number of Bereans present who are searching and growing by the power of the Word and the full conviction of its truth!

Matthew Ballmann
Word of Life Lutheran Church
Kopperl, TX